Bye Bye House Line

chuck lichtman bye bye house line.jpg

Finally, no more $110.00 a month payments going to ATT for a land line house phone, effective tonight. For those few of you who had Gayle and/or my cell numbers, of course, that’s how you should continue to reach us.  If any of you had our house phone number but not our cell numbers, you should ask yourself, “Hmmm, why is that?” Okay….if you really want to reach me, call (206) 722 3000. I’m standing by.

How nice it will be to no longer receive at least a dozen a day recorded robocalls or live calls soliciting anything you can imagine, including: 

  • Boiler room scumbag fraudsters politely asking if they can please steal your money on some hair-brain scheme that even my dogs would know is B.S.

  • Credit card or debt consolidation companies who pledge they will save me from financial ruin, and if I don’t sign up, I will be deported.   

  • Hotel chains selling 1 bedroom, communal bathroom condos in Playa del Infierno, Mexico; offering a free year’s supply of kaopectate as an incentive.

  • Fake IRS agents requesting my social security number, date of birth and my underwear size as verification of my identity.

  • The Firemen’s Association who pledged that for only $20.00, if there were two houses on fire in the neighborhood, and one of them was mine, they’d come save my house first.

  • The local hospital who for a week called me at least 5 times every day to collect a $5.16 bill that was paid three months earlier. (This one is 100% true. It’s possible I slightly exaggerated the other items above.  

  • And worst of all of all, I will not miss one bit the incessant robocalls from politicians asking for money or your vote, which will start any day now, since primary season is getting underway.  I disconnected just in time. Welcome Election 2020.

Don’t you have the same problem?  Seriously, why are you keeping your house line?  Think about it. 

LifestyleChuck Lichtman